The Ebola scourge stormed with a bang,took away friends,families, countries left mourning and in pain knowing no cure to the deadly bane. If the lives that were lost had a hint of what would to befall them they would have fleed . It has taken the worlds' intervention to try salvage the Situation. Look at this, how much humiliation do you think the affected and people presumed to be infected go through anytime they go to a location and everybody flees ? Anytime they visit a different country and they have to go through the screening process over and over as compared to others?
As sad and ugly as it is so long as their neck of the woods is the genesis of the disease they do not have much choice but adhere to what's required.
Consider this, when they are separated and put in a location where no one is interacting or helping them that must be a heart wrenching and breaking place to be at.
But what does the Bible tell us about isolation? God inspite and despite our 'Ebola' said He will never leave us nor forsake us.
He fights our battles, heals and takes our pain and He is always on our side.
You are never quarantined or tucked away. He is with you till the end of age.
He is always on your side.
wow girl love that He sure never leaves us not even for a second