Genesis 12:1-5
Hebrews 11:1-3
Faith is introduced as a shield in Ephesians 10:6 because it is a protective armour intercepting attack.
Why is it impossible to please God without Faith?
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God ,that means our ears must be attentive to hear and be diligent to obey his word.
Faith in nature is evidenced by hope of the unseen but birthed by belief and obedience of a spoken word from God . Before Abraham was called the father of faith God had instructed him #ToDo .His obedience to the word was unwavering even when circumstances dictacted he should have questioned the " unfairness" of the instruction of sacrificing an only son.
Abrahams response to the instruction was to be obedience because God's instruction is obeyed not opinion polled .
When God instructs,we obey fully persuaded that even when all around us speaks otherwise His Romans 4:18-24
In Luke 22:32 Jesus prays for Simon that though the enemy has asked to sift him his Faith May not fail because failed faith mis a result of a staggered belief . Simon had been with Jesus ,he had actually gone out at the word of the Master and had lackednothinng because he was steadfast and firm in the word KKI spoken to him and other disciples.
Fiery dirts of the enemy are quenched by faithy pool for it is a shield.It nullifies anything in
Lolcontrary to what God has said .Faith is made real by the Word of God because the kjjjjjk KKI is living ,powerful and it is effective ..
T pool look like qolo9oooo ok ooql Proverbs 4:20 Instructs that we pay attention to what the Father has to say and to incline our ears to his words for they are life ...
The words of the Father build faith in us because they are to be trusted.
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