Wednesday, 1 October 2014


The Ebola scourge stormed with a bang,took away friends,families, countries  left mourning and in pain knowing no cure to the deadly bane. If the lives that were lost had a hint of what would to befall them they would have fleed . It has taken  the  worlds' intervention to try salvage the Situation. Look at this, how much humiliation do you think the affected and people presumed to be infected go  through anytime they go to a location and everybody flees ? Anytime they visit a different country and they have to go through the screening process over and over as compared to others?
As sad and ugly as it is so long as their neck of the woods  is the genesis of the disease they do not have much choice but adhere to what's required.
Consider this, when they are separated and put in a location where no one is interacting or helping them that must be a heart wrenching and breaking place to be at.
But what does the Bible tell us about isolation? God inspite and despite our 'Ebola' said He will never leave us nor forsake us.
He fights our battles, heals and takes our pain and He is always on our side.
You are never quarantined or tucked away. He is with you till the end of age.

He is always on your side.

Friday, 22 August 2014


Interior design is one of my passions and overtime I have learnt that what makes one stand and stick out is the creativity you put into it and the excellence in which your deliver your work.If at all you will need to make good money out if it , you have to be well versed with all the nitty gritties and brush up on that skill oftenly.And through the work, you will mess  up and restart a project all over again.
Throughout the month of August I have been and still having a grip on several things I love and I am passionate about which seem to be closing down ,falling apart , unthriving all at the same time,because I believe the sun will soon shine on them. You know, when the Bible tells me He who began a good work in me will bring it to fruition, it's literal, phillipians 1:6

Take God at his word, the situation may momentarily look messy and undone but just before you quit remember even gold has to be  tested through fire. Probably  you are in the last and final lap of your revelation .Do not give up hold on to hope.There is nothing ectopic, luxated and deranged  about you to God, He knew you would go through it and come out stonger and fine than the touchstone and even finer than wine . All things work together for good.

Beloved, it is well .

Friday, 15 August 2014


The political atmosphere in our country right now feels like it is in its' utmost and absolute link where fine-grained and sturdy decisions have to be made by the government in position and power for the benefit of the people and growth  of the economy or else what we are continually seeing being propagated by the opposition party will keep thriving as long as there's a slot where the government seems to be failing.

 In that way, they will, by and large influence Kenyans to believe that the current government is unable to deliver and run the country hence the masses can demote them and put a new form of government that 'seems' able.À

Have you ever considered the power vested in us not by a vote but by the virtue of what Jesus did on the cross?
We became like Him, his person indwelt us,the God  power He carried  to reign, rule and dominate was  translated to us. Many of us though keep letting some certain loopholes stay open giving the enemy such an access and authority over us and over the disciples we ought to be making.

He(enemy) gets the opportunity to accomplish his mission -Kill, steal, destroy. He does it too "well " that he makes a lie appear as a truth yet the ONLY truth is Jesus Christ.

What if our loops are ever sealed? What if we did all that is expected of us accordingly? We are human beings yes ,that, I fully understand. But beloved, being human is no reason for mediocrity, failure, disobedience and ignorance of the tricks the "opposer" uses.The scriptures says do not be ignorant of the enemies schemes.
It is not by our power, strength or might, but by the spirit of the Lord. Our ability to depopulate hell is fully dependant on our willingness to obey "Go ye and make disciples of all nations". If one reaches one then majority wins, and that is influence we have as the majority fighting a common enemy.

So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth. ...

Why not be among that number that will revolutionize the world ,depopulate hell and close down the enemys' kingdom. Our battle is won. All we are doing is activating and showcasing the power Christ gave us .
As you enjoy your weekend remember we are on assignment to make disciples and if one will chase a thousand, two will chase tens of thousands

Each one Reach one

Friday, 8 August 2014


Every morning on my way to work i pass through one of the parks in the heart of the city.Many of us love the "shortcut " for blatant reasons.But one palpable reason is the less time we use getting to the other side.Normally, if i were to go round the park, it probably would take me about 10-13 minutes but via the park 5 minutes am out.I have trained my mind that i have to use the short cut to save time even when am not in any kind of rush.But in the park is this corner well maintained and you will always find people (mainly men),even in the wee hours of the morning,its called the 'Smoking Zone'.For the past twenty four years of my life,i have never ever smoked cigarettes nor any other drug,thank God for that,but just yesterday i remembered something my Science teacher taught ,'Passive Smoking' where you don't have to be the one holding the cigar yet you are susceptible to the same effects with the guy holding it.Look,all of us love that shorter and simpler way when we need not strain we can do anything,pay anyone to get our deals done quicker and faster . Is it it wrong? Is it right? Well, the choice answer lies in the transparency and limpidity of the deal that you are cutting.All the same do we not know when we are doing wrong or right?

Until this morning i discovered i have been a 'passive smoker' just because i loved the shorter route, with no qualms about it and ignorant of the dangers i exposed myself  to as the active smokers.Ten to one,you have read or at least heard the parable of the 'Wise and the Foolish Builders' in Mathew 7:24. Two words come out very strong ,Hear and put to. I had heard the wise words of my teacher but had not put to practice the instruction she gave just like the foolish builder trivialized the power of building under a strong and firm foundation.As i walk past the zone i see people who look all together yet science proves on the inside they have rotting lungs and messed up diaphragm.Many time that short route will cause us to seem like we got there faster,and made it,yet the truth is diametrically different.
The bible tells us when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we shall fear nor evil,note,its a shadow of not the actual monster called death,and the fact that we are assured we shall,its an indicator that God will sail us through safe.So,take the longer route and get there safe,the enemy has laid a trap called the'Smoking Zone' in that short faster route which looks a like a savior.

Hear and Put His(Gods') word to practice

With love

Monday, 4 August 2014


Growing up in a christian set up my mum would make sure each of us would say a memory verse rather a scripture from the Bible before we head on to bed .She would then expound the verses  as God would inspire and reveal to her. She kept daring us that she can teach and or preach from any verse of the Bible,so this particular day my siblings and I decided to play the hare game on her.That day we  picked our memory verses from some chapters of the bible that I have always wondered why God had them included  in the Holy Bible. #GeneologyStories,this begot this,the son to so and  so brought forth ..and so on.

Unfortunately or fortunately she came home too tired ,her clinch,let us  just pray  no memory verse till tomorrow,mmh shock on us. We were caught in our craftiness .
After prayers we told her of our plans and she explained to us that we say bible verses not as a ritual before bedtime prayers but because they are promises of God that we need to claim because they edify us,they grow our knowledge of the word of truth , promises reveal to us the plan and will of God .They are a basis of hope and faith.

Many times we tend to bend and buy into the boilerplates and patterns of doing things  without asking or knowing why we do them . I have grown to know no matter how much people love me,when it comes to the promises of God I have to claim them all by myself because Proverbs 4:20 instructs me to keep His word in the midst of my heart.

As you claim the promises , be acquainted to the truth of a God of integrity He is going to do it if He promised it.
His promise is what he is willing and able  to do so claim it.

Friday, 1 August 2014


July 2014 has downed its days really slow,phew, i guess its because it wrapped itself in cold,rains and alot of work.It's been a month of steps up and a few steps still.But God..
In light of all the ups and downs of the month that has been,this one thing has been consistent #GodsGrace.As I reminisced on this gift walking under a very calm and beautiful shade of tall canopied trees, I remembered back in High School we were taught how and why we need to conserve and preserve our environment,from trees to the school property ,constructions and more that we used and generations after us would use,there were these tall trees in a field where we used to go unwind,shelter under during the hot weather or over the weekends when we had no preps.The trees had such a canopy that you would sleep or study under their shade and even after they shed leaves through some season they never at one point became bare and leafless or withered,we always had a shelter. Years ago if the student, the teacher or whoever planted the tree decided not to,our little 'park' would have been a barren and arid ground with no shade ,no life and ever deserted. Isn't that how we were way before Christ came  and paid the price for us.With nothing good,no life ,sickly and beaten down .After he paid the price and gave us grace (planted the tree) we were made free,he provided a canopy,he gave us life,he made us disciple makers ,he translated us in to his kingdom.We stand justified,we stand holy. Our needs and wants are satisfied not because we have worked to achieve it but from his store house of riches and glory.We are reconciled back to God ,we are forgiven,we are sons.Just as Christ is so were we made and so are we supposed to be.In health,in abundance,in wisdom and fruitfulness.
Many times we want to achieve this grace by our works forgetting Jesus paid for everything and all we need to do is just receive it and just shelter under his shade.He will protect you,He will heal you.
Psalms 1:3 tell us we SHALL be like trees planted by the the rivers yielding fruit in season,the word 'shall' expresses a strong assertion of something that's bound to happen without sweating straining or toiling all we need to do is delight and meditate on the law of our God resting under his canopy.
Jesus paid the price (he planted the tree) so rest and receive his grace.Its free to us because Jesus paid for it.He eliminated the law that was legalistic and domineering.
Its August ,a month of new beginning and just as in the days of old when boys were circumcised on the 8th day and the covenant was everlasting may our hearts be circumcised to receiving Jesus Christ only then will we become the new creation eternally.

New Month,New Beginning

Monday, 28 July 2014


My Life I Give ,My Love I Give,My All  {Kirk Franklin}

For people who care to smell sweet,leap out,stay attractive and sensational, it is a sure thing they take time to buy good and pricey perfumes bearing scents are that captivating and spellbinding.
One thing you will note about most perfumes or cologne is the size of the bottles they come in and the bottle lips ,usually very narrow with a very tiny opening.I bet this is because the scent is not dependent on how much of the perfume you spray out but the fragrance it leaves behind and how time serving it is.
 The story of the alabaster box in Luke 7:36 is one of the many and popularly known stories of the Holy Bible even by non-believers.But allow me to pick out what stood out for me in the entire account in regard to value and personalism of worship.

In the Jewish culture,an alabaster box was given to a woman by her father and she would save it for the one she will be betrothed to and break it as a symbol of acceptance to his proposal for marriage .The box had to be fragmented into pieces to show she withheld nothing from the man who will marry her.

When this woman 'Mary' came to anoint Jesus it was in the most impetuous setting,but this woman had a revelation different from the crowd around who chided her for wasting expensive ointment. We have many times heard different descriptions of 'worship ' but all lead to one thing personal relationship with God. What to you is this thing you cannot hold from the lover of your soul? Money? Time? Comfort? Out of all creation, man is the most precious to God that means we are that alabaster box that needs to be fully broken and fragmented, pouring out our worship to Jesus. But how broken are we, how expensive is the sweet fragrance of our worship? Can we save it for Him and only Him. Like Mary, let us worship him withholding nothing. He is the Lover of Our souls, our best friend and the only Holy God. Worship does not have to be in a planned and strategic place, whatever time, place, setting just do it.

Thursday, 24 July 2014


An annual event is coming up and woo oh the invited guest said yes to our invite.The first lady is one of the attending guests and the preparation that has been happening over the past week is simply enigmatic,cleaning,grass trimmed, flower beds look all amazing ,fresh paint on major and minor walls,meticulously scrubbed floors and more.For security purposes the intelligent team has been checking in to set things right ,no taking chances,putting nothing to risk.
In the midst of all that bustle,i got mulling over the occasion and God simply places in my spirit a a straightforward  but twisted question? Why are you so in a rush the last few minutes? For sure my talkative self had so many things and answers to say but dint.Why? Still cant answer.
But i thought about the entire event ,planning to its fruition has been a lot of work,a lot of money spent and a lot of supervision done.I compared this to my journey in salvation to my final destiny,heaven (C-suite).I am being worked on day in day out,falling and rising but still going on.
Look, all year long we knew the event was bound to happen ,but how come we are in such a rush the last minute?
Now all of us can attest to the fact that  we are living in the last days,right? Are we rushing in the same manner, speed and acceleration to repentance and living holy lives,spreading the Gospel of Love,making disciples?
Are we keeping clean our outer and inner 'walls' as we need to? Are we fully furbished for the 'event'   (coming of Jesus)?
The question of when Jesus will come will always pop but that aside He is coming regardless of our being dead or alive ,accepting or denying that His day is nigh ,though He left us the Helper Holy spirit who reveals ALL things including Christ second coming,so if you are interested in details contact Him.
Are we taking any chances by failing to spread the gospel? Are we risking souls to hell when we fail to tell them of the love of Jesus?
Afew minutes ago i visited the ground where the event will be happening and oh my beautiful is understating,well done,near  perfection.Fine red carpet,winsome flowers,excellent dome tents,a prime marquee all in place ,finishings are superb.
My Mansion
For a minute,try ideate the mansion Jesus went to make for us,first its located in heaven there is nothing close to tents,no red carpets,we will walk on gold.That's who we are, Kings and queens,prince'and princesses ,sons and daughters of the Most High.Living in the best walking in best and living as who we are.But now that Jesus is expecting us in heaven ,let us lug our friends,enemies and anyone we will get along the way as we make a grand entry to our mansions.

Well,the event goes down tomorrow am sure i will meet people i have never thought or expected to ever meet.But on the flip side, they will meet me and be like who are you? Well i think i should say, i am among the many or the few who made it in to the fest if they probably didn't expect a girl like me.And surely i think that's how heaven will be like meeting people we never met on earth,meeting others we never thought would make it.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014


Radiating the light

As a woman ,i will not leave the house if am not sure how I look like .I want to be certain that my attire , hair do, make up and  mien is intact. This is because there is 'knower' in me that tells me my appearance really matters to me and to the people i will meet and interact with .What they will feel,say and think about when am around them really matters.It takes me some good time in front of my mirror to tick that I am ready and comfortable to hit the road.I firmly believe appearance depicts so much about us without a word to the world . The unspoken can be and is so loud that the deaf can hear , blind can see.

Many times we are stereotyped to be believe that what people say,think and feel about us is 'None of my Business' ,is it? If what is in the inside is not right it obviously pop on the outside either in dressing ,attitude,tonal speech or in how we do our work.I have attended several video shoots and picked a few lessons in regard to appearance from a very imperative object used and i'd love to share with you. 

Lesson 1. ~>One constant thing you will always find is the (Reflector).One day I took time to observe and learn its importance,its role in video shoots and the major role is to cast back light in a'' Particular'' direction.Comparing this to my life as the reflector radiating the light of God ,there is a Particular assignment roled out as Peace' and can only be done to fruition by me because that particular and virgin thought (purpose) is what prompted Him to create me.That means each one of us is branded ,stamped and etched to do (reflect) a specific thing so well that only you Many times we are stereotyped to be believe that what people say,think and feel about us is 'None of my Business' ,is it? If what is in the inside is not right it obviously pop on the outside either in dressing ,attitude,tonal speech or in how we do our well and i paused to think about it,ooh , in all stages of our being made we should accomplish something good no matter how small and unnoticeable because at the end,the same building will have the To Let banner or On Sale.

Back to the reflector,Lesson 2. was when the camera guy kept changing the color of the reflector and I did not know why, so I walk to him to enquire and he said the color is changed to suit the effect you need but the position of the reflector,subject and main light remain untouched for balance and equity .This is what God has been doing to me and in me,keeping me at the same position (on my knees) creating noticeable changes in me,In 2 Corinthians 3:18 Note (its in present continues tense) ,'' (having an unveiled face I am reflecting the Lords glory, I am being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory which comes from Him) paraphrased to person .He remains the the constant and the main light source,at times we in the dull stage of reflection but all the same we reflect ,let us quit the game of ''parallel'' and comparing ourselves to that other person yet we don't know which "color of the reflector'' they are on.How you radiate matters ,your source of light matters ,where your light is directed matters
serving purpose differently

Some reflectors will be re-positioned to enliven, some to create a subtle effect and others to be conspicuous ,depends what effect the Master needs.
Never assume you are irrelevant at any level of glory illumination simply because those around you don't notice, let your 'little' light keep shining and glowing and one day you will be impeccably unignorable

Be you.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Power in a Missile

For some of us who have experienced  war and terror attacks either in or outside our countries you will agree with me that the sound of  a little burst like that of a balloon let alone a tyre burst startles a nerve.
What happens in some of the middle east countries is way beyond our own experiences i cant begin to even try understand  the kind of fear and trauma kids in such go through because hey,its not a grenade hurling thing but bombs explosions and detonations every now and then.What happens to the woman giving birth in such moments? What happens to people under the knife at such hours? What happens to deals being signed at that very second? When the go button on the remote control is pressed a missile can't hold back its prospective power.
Now, we are created,designed,fashioned,engineered   in such a way that inside of us we carry such explosive and trans formative potential that can change the world around us without having to toil .How,is a question  of ~ what is inside you,what  you carry ,the inner intensity determines the area you will influence .
When God made us in Genesis, he breathed into us life,His life which is eternal.He made us like him,indwelt us  and added on us the Holy spirit who is our helper.
The 'God power' is what we carry ,and when He decides to show forth what is inside us,it does not matter what was happening then,when the lion roars..............?
But , often we feel inadequate ,unpackaged and not enough to do what God wants through us forgetting its really nothing about us or adequacy but everything about  his power that's deposited in us,hence our salt is never  of any effect. We belittle what we have and loose meaning for it ,we let the power inside of us just stay still doing nothing because the go button is never contacted ? Holy spirit is our Helper,literally,he assists us, reveals to us what we need to know and do,how often do we interact with him?
We are weapons(missiles) of change in Gods hand  and until we let Him uncover and showcase His power in us to the world ,until we drop the doubting mind,until we fully are aware and accept  that he is living inside of us and let him work through us to the extreme limits He wants to,He will never foist himself on us.
When we come to him we must believe that he i s~> he lives ,he exists,he is present.  
Like Paul,i one day want to boldly say i have finished the race ,i have accomplished purpose ,i have changed a persons life,i have influenced the world,i have sang all the songs,written all the books ,prayed every prayer,preached every sermon like i know how and the stone on my grave will read 'Peace was here'.My impact,gift and talent shall have contributed to humanity and will be will be felt.The God power in me will have done what it was meant to .I don't want to live a life like that of Methuselah in Genesis 5:25 just living, breathing Gods free oxygen and then die.
God am available use me as your missile.

Peace be with you .